
Be Here Now

Just over a decade ago I had the privilege of working on the advertising program for McDonald’s Restaurants Canada. While working with the team at the Regional Head Office in Western Canada, I noticed signs – on desks, on the wall, by the water fountain, in the cafeteria, everywhere – that said “BE HERE NOW.” I asked, “Why the signs all over the place?” The answer was simple – while at work, focus on work. Be attentive. Concentrate. Don’t get distracted. Everyone has busy lives; children to shuffle to school or to activities, community meetings, special events going on with family and friends, personal health or family issues, a close friend struggling with a major life challenge, and even workplace stress.

But in order to stay effective at work, you have to BE HERE NOW.

The same holds true with Customer Service – all types of customer service; frontline roles, inside sales, outside sales, counter service, accounts payable, receptionists, or any customer touch point. You cannot underestimate the value of FOCUSING while serving your customers.

You need to BE HERE NOW, for your customers.

Being an Active Listener is crucial in understanding your customer’s expectations and wants. When you are attentive and absorb the emotional part of the customer’s message, the customer feels more comfortable in expressing themselves fully. This results in a better understanding of the customer’s true needs, and makes solution design easier and faster. Ultimately, you “being there” for your customer allows a more effective process to create customer value.

BE HERE NOW.After all, isn’t that what Real customer service is all about?

Article written by Tamara Johnston, Marketing Manager, MasterKey Business Solutions. ©2012 MasterKey Business Solutions, Inc.

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